Thursday, November 29, 2012

Windows down and Cruise with Andy the Elf

Andy must have had a good time last night when we went to bed.  This morning JR found him cruising in his remote control dune buggy.  I told JR he probably was listening to "Cruise" by Georgia Florida Line. (That's JR's favorite song for the moment.)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Football player and my love note

Andy, our elf on the shelf, decided to play a game if football last night while we were sleeping. JR keeps wondering where he will find the magical elf every morning. It has been much easier to get him out of bed! :)

JR has my heart... He drew my this picture at school yesterday. Will little boys always love their mom like this?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Elf on the Shelf...the beginning.

JR's elf returned for the first time this year on Monday. He was so excited to see Andy hiding in the Christmas tree! When I woke up Monday morning and walked into the living room, I noticed that the tree lights were on. Upon further investigation, I saw our favorite elf from the North Pole had returned for this Christmas season. To see the huge grin across JR's face was priceless.

Today Andy was hanging out in JR's stocking. He had recruited some of JR's stuffed elves to keep him company.